Heat Your Pool For FREE!
Let The Sun Do The Work!
Don’t Settle For Summer Only
SunStar’s solar pool heating system provides you more enjoyment in your pool, long after the summer has gone. By capturing the immense heating power of our greatest natural energy resource, the sun, SunStar’s leadingedge solar panel design lets you swim comfortably even during the cooler months.
Lasting Summer
Thanks to the reliability, efficiency, and durability of our state-of-the-art system, you can entertain, exercise, and create great memories.worry free. sun-star-solar-systems
Don’t Settle For Summer Only
With the SunStar System installed, you can not only generate heat for the pool, but also electricity for your home, saving thousands of dollars a year!
Complete Quality
Maximized Efficiency
Unique Flow System – Patented design prevents clogging or pressure build up. Freeze Resistant – Water escapes completely, preventing freezing and cracked tubes. Roof Protection – Panels “float” above roof, allowing it to breath and stay clean and dry.
Attractive and Efficient
Roof Friendly – Innovative panel mounting system minimizes roof connections. Attractive Style – Multiple panel sizes blend nicely with your home. Green Living – SunStar utilizes the ultimate environmentally friendly, cost-free, renewable energy source, the sun.
Rugged Construction
Cutting-Edge Design – Unique, patented, individual tube design eliminates wear from natural expansion and contraction. Maintenance Free – “One piece” panel design and superior mounting system eliminates the need for rubber hoses and metal clamps. Storm proof – Violent storms are no match for SunStar’s durable panels and mounting method. Quality Guaranteed – The best warranty in the business, afforded by over Since 1986 of experience and over 13 million sq. ft. of SunStar collectors installed.
SunStar’s solar pool heating system is more dependable, durable and
economical than heat pumps and gas heaters.